Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mountain Light

After a religious mountain experience I read this piece from "Thus Spake Zarathustra" by Nietzsche. It seemed to fit...

"O sky above me! O pure, deep sky! You abyss of light! Gazing into you, I tremble with divine desires. To cast myself in your purity - that is my innocence! And when I wandered alone what did my soul hunger after by night and on treacherous paths? And when I climbed mountains, whom did I always seek, if not you, upon mountains? And all my wanderings and mountain climbing, it was merely a necessity and an expedient of clumsiness: my whole desire only to fly, to fly into you!


  1. It is wonderful to watch you become the artist you can be.

  2. I am really touched by these two. Thank you for sharing. Excellent Photography. You have a phenomenal eye Mr. Girard.
